

For tissues and solid, hydrated samples

The QX-302 Capsules are used for imagingvarious solid, hydrated samples, such as tissue biopsies, plants and materialspecimens, in their natural wet state. The capsule is suitable for variablesample sizes, with a maximum diameter of 3mm and thickness of up to 1mm. Nocoating or embedding of the sample are required, enabling electron microscopyimaging with easy sample preparation comparable to light microscopy.


MP-12 Capsule Plate

The Capsule Plate is designed to enableparallel handling of QX-302 Capsules. It serves for holding the capsules duringspecimen preparation, and for storage. The Multi-capsule Plates are suppliedsterile and intended for single use.

 The Multi-capsule Plates are suppliedsterile and intended for single use.


IB-74 Imaging Buffer

QX Imaging Buffer is a solution optimizedfor imaging the Calibration Capsule in an SEM. It should be applied into theCalibration Capsule prior to SEM imaging. The QX Imaging Buffer is suppliedlyophilized.


The QX-302 Imaging Buffer is suppliedsterile and lyophilized.


RT-58 Calibration Capsule

The QX-302 Calibration Capsule is a QX-302Capsule that has been specially designed to assist first time users in findingoptimal imaging conditions for WETSEMTM imaging in their SEM. The CalibrationCapsule contains nanoparticles of two different sizes; 40 and 500 nm. Theparticles are easily visualized in an SEM and provide a convenient means tocalibrate the parameters for optimal wet imaging conditions.