
Alkaline Cell Kit, GC Working Electrode

An alkaline resistant electrochemical celldesigned for low volume applications. The overall cell volume is 15 mL and canbe used down to approximately 5 mL. The low volume PTFE cell designed toaccommodate three LowProfile electrodes (working, counter, and reference). Thecell kits consist of the cell, the Low Volume Cell Cap Kit, and two gaspurge/sparge tubes.  The Low Volume CellSeries Cap Kit is a unique design that allows for the sealing of all probes andelectrodes in the cap, which then seals to the cell to allow a closed cellsystem for use on the bench.  Some of theunique features of this product include:


the cell is machined from a solid piece ofPTFE, eliminating the chance for leaking and contamination commonly experiencedwith press-fit designs

the Low Volume Cell Series Cap Kit sealsall probes and electrodes to create a sealed cell for easy benchtop use



An alkaline resistant electrochemical celldesigned for low volume applications. The overall cell volume is 15 mL and canbe used down to approximately 5 mL. The low volume PTFE cell designed toaccommodate three LowProfile electrodes (working, counter, and reference). Thecell kits consist of the cell, the Low Volume Cell Cap Kit, and two gaspurge/sparge tubes.  The Low Volume CellSeries Cap Kit is a unique design that allows for the sealing of all probes andelectrodes in the cap, which then seals to the cell to allow a closed cellsystem for use on the bench. The kit includes:


Low Volume PTFE cell

Low Volume Cell Series Cap Kit

LowProfile glassy carbon working electrode,3.0 mm OD

LowProfile Pt coil counter electrode

LowProfile non-aqueous reference electrodekit

Two glass sparge/purge tubes



Cell material   PTFE, solid

Cell volume   5 - 15 mL

Cap material   PEEK, solid

Platinum working electrode   3.0 mm OD GC, PCTFE shroud