

The MK26 Series VibrationControl Workstation with more ergonomic comfortis designed specifically for ultra-low natural frequency applications. Thesystem utilizes MinusK patented negative stiffness vibration isolators in orderto provide a compact, passive Vibration Isolation Workstation with ultra-lownatural frequencies, higher internal structural frequencies, and excellentvertical and horizontal isolation efficiencies. The MK26 has also been upgradedto provide much better user comfort and additional leg space.

The Minus K verticalisolator uses a stiff spring and negative-stiffness mechanism to achieve a lownet vertical stiffness without affecting the static load supporting capability.Horizontal vibration isolation is provided by beam columns connectedin series with the vertical-motion isolator.  Adjusted to a1/2 Hz natural frequency, the workstation achieves about 93% isolationefficiency at 2 Hz, 99% at 5 Hz and 99.7% at 10 Hz.

The MK26Series can be configured for a wide variety ofapplications and customized with most of our vibration isolation workstationaccessories.

Typical Vibration ControlApplications for the MK26 Vibration Isolation  Workstation. 

The MK26 Series offers the ultimateperformance for a wide range of instruments, such as analytical balances,cell injection, confocal microscopes, patch clamping, optical microscopes,wafer probing, sensor calibration atomic force microscopes andother sensitive equipment in fields such as semiconductor processing,telecommunications, aerospace engineering, and medical research. Manufacturedin conjunction with Kinetic Systems

  • Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System
  • Honeycomb Spectroelectroelectrochemical Cell
  • Quartz Photoelectrochemical Cell