The WaveNowPotentiostat/Galvanostat System breaks with the past replacing traditionallylarge and stationary benchtopinstruments with lightweight, portable, and powerfulalternatives. Weighingless than 200 grams, the WaveNow series potentiostatsystems features aconvenient USB interface, a fully-functional potentiostat andgalvanostat, andour powerful AfterMath instrument control and data analysissoftware. Keyfeatures of the WaveNow are as follows:
Applied/Measured Current: ±100 nA to ±100 mA
Applied/Measured Voltage: ±4 V
Operation Modes: Potentiostat, Galvanostat, OCP, ZRA
Techniques: All common DC sweep and step experimentsplus specialty corrosion,rotating, and spectroelectrochemistry techniques
See "Description" tab below foradditionalinformation.
The WaveNow Potentiostat/Galvanostat breakswith the past,replacing traditional stationary benchtop instruments withlightweight, portableand powerful alternatives. Weighing less than 200 grams,the WaveNow seriespotentiostat systems feature a convenient USB interface, afully functionalpotentiostat and galvanostat, and our powerful AfterMathTMinstrument controland data analysis software.
Portable. Only 30 mm thick and less than175 mm long, theWaveNow series potentiostats are the ultimate portableinstruments. Small enoughto fit into your laptop’s tote bag, your carry-onluggage, or your coat pocket,the WaveNow series lets you take yourpotentiostat to your work area rather thanhaving to move your work area toyour potentiostat. An optional battery packlets you take your instrument intothe field when needed.
Affordable. At a fraction of the cost ofother potentiostatsystems, the WaveNow series gives you exactly what you needwithout breakingyour budget. The system is affordable enough that you caneasily purchase two ofthem at the same time. And if you are outfitting yourentire lab withpotentiostats, please be sure to contact us for a specialquantity discountquote.
Capable. Designed with the everyday user inmind, thespecifications for the WaveNow series potentiostats are broad enoughto permityou to perform a wide range of routine electrochemical techniques butalsoprudently chosen to allow for a simple and affordable design. Popular andcommontechniques such as cyclic voltammetry, bulk electrolysis, differentialpulsevoltammetry, square wave and pulse voltammetry, chronoamperometry,andchronopotentiometry are easily configured and executed using ourAfterMathsoftware package.
Applied and Measured Voltage Range ±4 V
Applied and Measured Current Range 100 nA to 100mA
Interface USB
Functions Potentiostat, Galvanostat, OCP, ZRA
WaveDriver 10 Potentiostat/Galvanostat System
The WaveDriver 10 Potentiostat/Galvanostat System is acost-effective, yet powerful and versatile, benchtop instrumentwhose valuecannot be beaten. With amodest form factor and convenient USB interface,the WaveDriver 10 packs apunch with iR compensation, ability to form over 38different electrochemicaltechniques, and controlled through AfterMathTM DataOrganizer software. The WaveDriver 10 blends much of what youneed from apotentiostat without the added frills that can sometimes simplydrive up thecost. Key features of theWaveDriver 10 are as follows:
Applied/Measured Current: ±100 nA to ±1 A
Applied/Measured Voltage: ±10 V (tworanges, ±2.5 V and ±10 V)
Operation Modes: Potentiostat, Galvanostat, OCP, ZRA
iR Compensation: Current Interrupt orPositive Feedback
Techniques: All common DC sweep and step experimentsplus specialty corrosion, rotating,and spectroelectrochemistry techniques
See "Description" tab below foradditionalinformation.
The WaveDriver 10 Potentiostat is availablein several productbundles. Browse thedifferent bundle options below.
The WaveDriver 10 is an affordablebenchtoppotentiostat/galvanostat system capable of performing a wide varietyoftraditional single working electrode methods. The WaveDriver 10 is arobust single channel potentiostat, with animpressive current range from ±100nA up to ±1 A, advanced input, output, andwaveform filters, and iRcompensation. The WaveDriver 10 connectsto your laptop or PC via astandard USB cable and is controlled by our powerAfterMathTM Data Organizersoftware application. Rear panel connections allow rotation ratecontrolwhen using rotating disk, cylinder, or ring-disk electrodes. Additionalconnections for analoginput/output and synchronized timing permit the WaveDriverto be used inconjunction with other instruments.
Affordable. Take a look around at similarpotentiostat/galvanostat systems and youwill have a difficult time finding onewith comparable specs and capabilitiesat the same modest price point. PineResearch strives to bring you cost-effectiveelectrochemicalinstrumentation. The WaveDriver 10 alsoincludes a fouroption dummy cell for calibration checking and instrumentfunction testing, atno additional cost.
Versatile. Capable of performing up to 38 different techniques,the WaveDriver 10is an all-around performer. It finds usein academic andindustrial research around the world. Unlike many of its peers, theWaveDriver 10was built to perform a little bit of everything and without addedcost ofdifferent software “upgrades.”
Capable. Designed with the everyday user inmind, thespecifications for the WaveDriver 10 potentiostat is broad enough topermit youto perform a wide range of routine electrochemical techniques butalso prudentlychosen to allow for a simple and affordable design. Popular andcommontechniques such as cyclic voltammetry, bulk electrolysis, differentialpulsevoltammetry, square wave and pulse voltammetry, batterycharge/dischargesequences, corrosion-based analysis such as linear polarizationresistance,chronoamperometry, and chronopotentiometry are easily configured andexecutedusing our AfterMath software package.
Applied and Measured Voltage Ranges ±2.5 V, ±10 V
Applied and Measured Current Range ±100 nA to ±1A
Interface USB
Functions Potentiostat, Galvanostat, OCP, ZRA