
SC11 Auto Survey System

The SC11/Auto is a fully populatedconfiguration of the SC11/SI system. With 2 DC magnetic field sensors, 3accelerometers and a precision microphone, it provides all the sensors neededfor a full automated site survey for an SEM or TEM. All the sensors connect toan SC11 Sensor Interface, which is AC powered and connects to a Windows laptopPC via USB. The whole system including a tripod and laptop fits into a ruggedcustom carrying case for ease of portability.


The software suite includes “SC11 Survey”,which automates a complete survey and “SC11 Wizard”, which aids in setting up asingle measurement. These call up three virtual instruments, an oscilloscope, aspectrum analyser and a chart recorder that display results graphically on thelaptop screen. Also included is “SCplot”, a comprehensive results plottingprogram.


SC11Auto Survey System Product Guides (pdf)

Brochure for the SC11/Auto system

DC magnetic field sensor option


  • Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System
  • Honeycomb Spectroelectroelectrochemical Cell
  • Quartz Photoelectrochemical Cell