

    Pine Research is excited to announce that our richline of research grade potentiostats now includes electrochemical impedancespectroscopy (EIS). Pine Research is now making waves! The WaveDriver®200 Integrated Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat with EIS, available in Fall 2018, has been engineered toprovide you with the essential hardware and software features you need, withoutall the unnecessary aspects that do little more than drive up the cost. Our software engineering team has implemented curve fitting directly into ourAfterMath® software platform, which includes multiple algorithms and options tofit even the most troublesome data.  Not sure about initial circuit valueswhen fitting? No problem! The "I Feel Lucky" button in AfterMathcalculates reasonable starting values, from which you have endless ways to findyour optimal fit.  Tired of exporting data or working between multiplesoftware applications to acquire and fit EIS data?  AfterMath softwaresimultaneously performs data acquisition, organization, and analysis into asingle application.  We have also included novel transmission linefitting, where you have a great deal of flexibility to customize the circuitbefore fitting.  Production is soon ramping up to meet the demand for theWaveDriver 200.  Review our specifications and capabilities and contact uswith any questions.



Potentiostat (POT), Galvanostat (GAL), Zero Reistance Ammeter (ZRA)

Cell Connections

2, 3, or 4 lead

Floating (Isolated from Earth)


Minimum Voltage Resolution (Applied/Measured)

78 μV                                                                                                            

Minimum Current Resolution (Applied/Measured)

3.13 pA

Slew Rate

10 V/μs (fastest speed setting)

Noise and Ripple

<10 mVRMS

Measured/Applied Potential Ranges

3 Ranges: ±2.5 V, ±10 V, ±15 V

Practical Applied/Measured Current Range

±100 pA - ±1 A

Analog/Digital Conversion

16 bit

Compliance Voltage

±17 V

Input Leakage

<10 pA

Bandwidth (3 dB)

>15 mHz

Maximum Data Points

<10 million per experiment

iR Compensation

Impedance (EIS), Current Interrupt (CI), and Positive Feedback (PF)


6.3 (w) × 10 (h) × 12.8 (l) in
160 (w) × 255 (h) × 324 (l) mm


Frequency Range

10 μHz - 1 MHz

Frequency Stability

±10 ppm

Data Presentation

Lissajous, Bode, Nyquist, Mott-Schottky

Data Analysis

Circuit Fit, Transmission Line, Kramers-Kronig

Circuit Fitting Methods

Modified Levenberg-Marquardt, Simplex, Powell

Circuit Fitting Options

dynamic point selection, unity, parametric

Frequency Sweeping

linear, logarithmic, custom list

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