
WaveDriver 100

The WaveNeuro FastScan Cyclic Voltammetry(FSCV) Potentiostat System is a unique electrochemicalinstrument you will not find from other traditional electrochemical suppliers.We are excited to bring high quality, regularly available, and uniquelydesigned neuroelectrochemical research products to you. Created by FSCV scientistsfor FSCV scientists, the WaveNeuro is well-designed, of high quality construction,and supported by a company with over 40 years of history serving electrochemicalresearchers. The WaveNeuro seeks to fill the gap that exists forcommercial fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) systems. The system providesyou with the following

Systems and accessories are in stock and ready to ship

Novel design integrates "breakout box,"potentiostat, filters, and data acquisition connectors into one box

Intuitive and clearly-labeled connectors

Small dimensional footprint

Behavioral input mapping to digital and analog input/outputconnections included

Designed for use with Pine Research modular head stage cabledesign

See "Description" tab below for additionalinformation.

 The WaveNeuro FSCV Potentiostat is available in twoproduct bundles. Browse the different bundle options below.


The WaveNeuro FastScan Cyclic Voltammetry(FSCV) Potentiostat System is a unique electrochemicalinstrument you will not find from other traditional electrochemicalsuppliers.  We are excited to bring high quality, regularly available, anduniquely designed neuroelectrochemical research products to you.  Designedby FSCV scientists for FSCV scientists, the WaveNeuro is well-designed, of highquality construction, and supported by a company dedicated to supporting theinstrument, as well as you the researcher.  The WaveNeuro seeks to fillthe gap that exists for commercial fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) systems.

The WaveNeuroPotentiostat was designed for the scientist (neuroscientist, psychologist,physician, chemist, biologist,etc.) who seeks to study the link between thebrain chemistry of electroactivespecies (such as monoamines, catecholamine likedopamine and serotonin, oxygen, peroxide, etc.) and physiology (such asstructure, function, disease, neural transmission, etc.) and behavior (such asaddiction, impulsivity, decision-making, etc.).  Microdialysis,still a techniqueused in the field, can provide high spatial resolution for detection of thesechemical species but offers poor temporal resolution.  FSCV, as atechnique, provides both high spatial and high temporalresolution. Coupled with carbon fiber microelectrodes, FSCV providesawell-established platform for in-vivo and in-vitro experimentation.

Traditionally, theproducts and instrumentation required to perform FSCV have only been availablethrough scientific connections with developing laboratories.  As the techniquehas grown in popularity, due in part to its relative ease of use, theavailability of instrumentation has not followed the same trend.  We are excitedto bring such FSCV instrumentation to the market, thereby providing therobusttechnical, service, and sales support you have come to expect in the field ofresearch instrumentation.

The WaveNeuro seeks to fill the gap that exists forcommercial FSCV systems by providing systems with many novel features, such as:

After official release, we will strive to have items in stockand ready to ship! Who can wait 8 weeks or more when your research productivityis on the line?

A system that breaks from the past, with an overall updateddesign, including: a “breakout box” built into and included with the WaveNeuro,intuitive and clearly-labeled connectors, in a small dimensional footprint.

Built for flexibility – includes behavioral input mapping todigital and analog input/output connections.

Designed with Pine Research modularheadstage cable design,preventing that “pile of unknown headstage/cables” thatso many labs make overtime.



Applied Potential   ±3.3 V

Measured Current   ± 2000 nA (with 200 nA/Vheadstage amplifier, included)

Scan Rate Maximum   5000 V/s

Compatible Software   HDCV (available from theUniversity of North Carolina Chapel HillChemistry Department Electronics Facility)

Data Acquisition Interface National InstrumentsPCIe-6363 (only oneboard required)

  • Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System
  • Honeycomb Spectroelectroelectrochemical Cell
  • Quartz Photoelectrochemical Cell