
E7R8 Thin Gap RRDE

MAXIMUM ROTATION RATE: 3000 RPM -- Neverexceedmaximum rotation rate when working with rotating electrodes.

These Fixed-Disk RRDE tips featureasub-millimeter gap between the disk and ring, making them well-suitedforstudying short-lived intermediates that must transit the ring-disk gapasquickly as possible.  The E7R8 RRDE tipsare also designed with the samethread connections as our E5 and E6 Series RDE/RRDEtips, allowing them to beused interchangeably with the same shaft.

Ring-Disk Gap = 180 μm; CollectionEfficiency =22%

Disk OD = 4.57 mm; Ring OD = 5.38 mm; RingID =4.93 mm

Fixed-Disk RRDE tip; 15.0 mm OD PTFE shroud

Compatible with the MSR and ASR rotators

See "Description" tab belowforadditional precautions and information.



TEMPERATURE RANGE: 10°C – 25°C —Electrodedamage may occur at temperatures beyond recommended range.

This series of RDE tips may be used withbothMSR and ASR rotators.

These Fixed-Disk RRDE tips featureasub-millimeter gap between the disk and ring, making them well-suitedforstudying short-lived intermediates that must transit the ring-disk gapasquickly as possible.  The E7R8 RRDE tipsare also designed with the samethread connections as our E5 and E6 SeriesRDE/RRDE tips, allowing them to beused interchangeably with the sameshaft.  Each electrode isalsoindividually tested and certified to be leak-free and mirror polished atthetime of shipment.

Fabricating an RRDE tip with a glassycarbondisk or ring is difficult due to the fragile nature of the glassycarbon. In general, slightly largerdimensions are required when working with glassycarbon.  For this reason, all RRDE tips which have aglassy carbon disk orring are manufactured using the E7R9 Series RRDE tipdimensions.  OtherRRDE tips with metaldisks and rings are fabricated using the smaller E7R8Series dimensions.


Compatible shafts include AFE6MB and AFE6Mforuse with the MSR rotator, and AFE6A for use with the ASR rotator.



Ring-Disk Gap   180 μm

Disk OD  4.57 mm

Ring ID  4.93 mm

Ring OD  5.38 mm

Shroud OD  15.0 mm

Shroud Material   PTFE

Collection Efficiency   22%

Disk Area  0.1642 cm2

Ring Area  0.0370 cm2

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