
15 mm RCE

Thisprecision shaft accepts 15.0 mm OD cylinder inserts (sold separately) and is usually shipped as part of a largerRotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE) system.  This special shaft is intendedfor use in conjunction with our gas-purged bearing assembly (part numberAC01TPA6M). This bearing assembly is tapered to fit into a standard 24/25 porton an electrochemical cell.  The outer diameter of the upper portionof this special shaft is machined to a very high tolerance so that it will mateproperly with the inner diameter of our gas-purged bearing assembly. Each shaftis shipped with twenty (20) fluoroelastomer washers which are used tomount and seal the cylinder sample on the shaft.  Additional replacementwashers are available separately.

  • Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System
  • Honeycomb Spectroelectroelectrochemical Cell
  • Quartz Photoelectrochemical Cell