
Cubic Multi Anvil Apparatus

RocklandResearch Corporation specializes in the design and manufacture of equipmenttailored to custom applications.

Rockland's recentcubic multi-anvil system was designed to operate at pressures as high as 60kbar with large sample volumes (1 cm3) and to be interchangeable with theWalker module. Six anvils are driven into the sample assembly by a set of anviland wedge drivers using the top and bottom plates of the module. In the view tothe right, the top set of drivers and top anvil have been removed to show thebottom and four side anvils. In the cubic-anvil module, six anvils press on acubic pressure medium. This device, as currently configured, can attainpressures up to 6 GPa on samples comparable in size to those used in a0.5" piston-cylinder cell.

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