
T25 Multi Anvil Apparatus

RocklandResearch Corporation specializes in the design and manufacture of equipmenttailored to custom applications.

Our long history of high pressure system designand the knowledge of research techniques and methodology allows for a productthat will meet all of your experimentation needs. The TAP98 system we built isjust one example of this Rockland Research ingenuity.  We have built manypresses and multi-anvils to fit non-standard experimentation envelopes.

The Walker module for spectroscopy: we haveactually designed and manufactured several different devices for beamlineresearch.  In the slide show you can see a Walker module with a barealuminum shield (not blue) that had a 10 mm hole centered on the outsidediameter of the stress ring. This was a special device built for Dr DavidWalker to perform Epithermal Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy at the RutherfordAppleton Laboratory in England.

The intention of this research was to allowcalibration of thermocouples at very high pressures, which has never been donebefore. The same device also has beam ports 35 degrees off of the vertical axisintended for X-ray diffraction work with the press and module placed in thebeamline horizontally. The device is currently being used at the DaresburyLaboratory in England.

We have also built a split-ring Walker modulecalled T25 for the Argonne National Laboratory which allows the X-ray beam toenter on the horizontal axis. This device has been used successfully for manyexperiments at the Advanced Photon Source (APS)  over the last severalyears.

We are currently working on several otherdevices for beamline research. One is a large deformation DIA device named ZIAwhich we are building for Los Alamos National Laboratory for use in the TAPLUS2000 press at the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center.  Another projectcurrently under construction is a split-ring cubic multi anvil module whichallows beam access on the horizontal axis, and we have also begun working on asplit-ring hybrid (6/8) module for the Advanced Photon Source which is intendedfor very high pressure research (greater than 40 GPa).

Finally wehave built several D.DIA (Deformation DIA) devices for the Lawrence LivermoreLab, Brookhaven Lab, Argonne Lab and the University of California.  Theseare small cubic devices with beamline access on the horizontal plane with theadditional ability to independently operate hydraulic cylinders on the Z axisfor deformation research.

  • Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System
  • Honeycomb Spectroelectroelectrochemical Cell
  • Quartz Photoelectrochemical Cell