
Microorganisms / General staining

1  WetT. brucei stained with osmium tetroxide

Fully hydrated Trypanosoma brucei wereattached to the QX-capsule membrane and stained with 1% osmium tetroxide.Lipid-rich structures are heavily stained and are visible as white vesicles.


2. Wet B. subtilis stained with uranylacetate

Fully hydrated B. subtilis bacteria wereattached to the QX-capsule membrane, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde/PBS for 10min and stained with 0.1% uranyl acetate.


3. Trypanosoma brucei stained with uranylacetate

 Fixed Trypanosoma brucei stained with uranyl acetate was attached tothe membrane of a QX-102 capsule. Sample was imaged using LEO 1550 VP


4. Bacteria suspension

 A bacteria suspension was incubated on apoly-l-lysine coated QX-102 capsule and stained with uranyl acetate


5. Epithelial cells with Staphylococusbacteria

MACT cells (epithelial cells from mammary gland) were cultured on aFibronectin coated QX-102 membrane, and then infected with Staphylococcusaureus. In these images we can see the initial attachment of staphilococusaerus to external extensions of MACT cells (left), and how the bacteria iseventually incorporated into the cells (right). By growing the cells andbacteria directly in the QX-102 capsule artifacts are minimized and the systemcan be imaged in its native environment.(Courtesy of Dr. Kasia Dziewanowska University of Idaho.)\


6. Bacterial biofilm on latex surface

 Aggregation of bacteria on latex tubing,forming a biofilm. The sample was stained with Uranyl Acetate and imaged in itsfully hydrate state by using the QX-302 capsule, eliminating the risk ofdehydration artifacts.

  • Integrated UV/Vis Spectroelectrochemical System
  • Honeycomb Spectroelectroelectrochemical Cell
  • Quartz Photoelectrochemical Cell